Promotion of the Exhibit, Luposta 1932, Danzig.
Zeppelin Lottery.
The Danzig Senate initiated a lottery on 19 July 1932, in which free trips on the Graf Zeppelin would be the prize. There were two series of each 10.000 lottery tikets; Series A for the outward trip to Danzig and Series B for the return trip to Friedrichshafen.
Depending upon the sales (each ticket cost 1 Gulden), there were 20 seats available. The drawing for the outward trip took place on the 27th of July; for the return trip on the 30th of July. The necessary transportation from an to Friedrichshafen was taken over by Lufthansa. The winners spent a day in Friedrichshafen in order to visit the Zeppelin yard and the town.
Exhibition Spaces.
Hall 1, 3, 4A, 4B and 5; Air Post Collections.
Hall 2; Collections for the State.
Hall 6; Model Exhibition.
Zoppot Banquet.
On Saturday, the 30th of July, a Banquet was held in the Kasino-Hotel in Zoppot. In the course of the evening, the Jury gave information about the exhibited exhibitors of the awarded prizes and medals. The Chairman could hand over many of the awards personally, since almost all of the participants were present.
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Added: 21/09/2009
Copyright: 2025