Free City Danzig, Luposta promotion.
Double Stamping; 'Doppelfrankatur'.
A particular type of sending deserves special attention. These are the ones which carry double stampings, or two stamps from the same country or, two stamps from different countries. The second form is called mixed franking 'Mischfrankatur'. For that type, the following must be said;
It was possible 'and in the Post Direction from Danzig and at the German Post Directions already transported und delivered post sendings' to stamp them again and to send them to the same destination or to another receiver. It made no difference whether the first stamps came from the Inland or from foreign post offices. So it is recommended to collectors of today, to usw the expression FOR FURTHER EMPLOYMENT (Weiterverwendung) with their post shipments.
A special kind fo "Special Employment" are the dispatches, which carried German stamps on the outward trip to Danzig. The receivers there stamped them immediately with Danzig stamps and sent them back with the return trip from Danzig. So the mail is carrving postmarks from both the outward and the return trip. The really mixed stampings on Luposta flights are especially from the Treaty States of Austria and Luxemburg. A special treaty provided the supplementary Zeppelin stamps of Luxemburg. The Post-Direction in Austria prescribed in 1932, for currency reasons, an additional complete German or, for the Danzig trip also, Zeppelin poststamps.
*- Weiterverwendung; 'For Further Employment';
- Two-time German Empire; first sending Printed Matter.
- Second sending - Letter to Rönne.
Hits: 3133
Added: 21/09/2009
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