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Gallery » Luposta - Ronny van Waardhuizen » Luposta, Arrival Postmarks

Arrival Postmarks.

Each piece of regular mail as well as registered mail received an arrival postmark after participating in the flight. In case the mail had to be send further, it was applied as transit postmark. The following postmarks were used;
In Danzig --- Big Postmark (35 mm) --- Danzig 5 - Kur- und Seebäder.
After the outward trip with the date 31.7.32. 9-10.
Board mail after the cruise, with the blue Zeppelin mark, 31.7.32. 19-20.
All the other post after the cruise, with the blue Zeppelin mark, 31.7.32. 20-21.

In Rönne; Only regular mail was acceptable during the cruise; registered mail was prohibited from being part of the mail-drop.

One-circle postmarks Rönne 31.7.32, 12:30.
Part of the mail was varied; possibly a second stamp 31.7.32. 12:30 (the "30" was placed about 1 mm higher the the other numerals).

In Friedrichshafen, there were, after the return from Danzig, two new kinds of arrival postmarks for alle the sendings. They were only used since the 19th of June, 1932, for all the incoming post for the Zeppelin;
1. Large hand postmark canceller, mostly used on post cards.
Friedrichshafen, Bodensee, 1.8.32. 10.
Transported aboard the airship Graf Zeppelin.
2. Two part mechanical postmark, mainly for letters. Drawing of Zeppelin Friedrichshafen, Bodensee, 1-8-32. 9-10. (In one-circle postmark on right).
Transported aboard the airship Graf Zeppelin (In box at left side).

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Added: 21/09/2009
Copyright: 2025
