Later use of the Luposta Stamps.
The special stamps from Luposta, which were published on 17.7.32, were valid after the Exhibition closed, until 31.1.38. From the post-Exhibition period, there are complete series of mailings using Luposta stamps. A lot of mail even carried the complete 5-value special stamps. The pages you find hereafter are interesting not only to collectors, bus some will be surprised to find where in the world the poststamps showed up. Also, the stamps were mailed with other Airships besides the Graf Zeppelin, such as the Hindenburg, which was flying the American service route since 1936.
'The International airpost Exhibition Luposta 1932 Danzig' was at that time an EVENT which received attention from all over Europe. Their postal history receives attention even today, not only from philatetists, but also from many other people, who feel themselves connected with their Tradition and Loyalty to Danzig. There is certainly a lot more that could bring back additional memories of Luposta that is unknown until now and therefore not a part of this publication. Further information and correspondence are welcome, in order to complete this documentation and to correct possible errors.
Hans Georg Mencke,
Markische Strasse 121,
4600 Dortmund 1, West Germany.
Delivery against a deposit of 8 DM (Only inland postage) on account Dortmund 67517-467 (BLZ 440 100 46) (Only for the original German booklet).
All rights reserved. Copying, even partially, shall be with the written permission of the Author.
Writtings from Publisher Luposta 1932 Danzig.
Latest reports from Danzig.
Danziger Sonntagsblatt.
Curt Michaelis, Airpost from and to Danzig -
Part I (1974 and Part II (1973).
Gerhard Hasselhoff, Valuation of Postmarks from the Free City of Danzig.
Part I - 1st Edition 1977.
Siegerverlag, Zeppelin Mail Catalog - 20th Edition 1981.
Bulletins from ARGE Danzig in BdPh.
Heinz Gerhmann - Wuppertal.
Victor Schnirch - Köln.
Heinz Schaffrath - Giessen.
Hits: 3258
Added: 21/09/2009
Copyright: 2025