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Gallery » Danzig Report 110 - January, February, March 2001 » The DADDY OF THEM ALL --- STOLZENBERG


Felix Clausen listed the history of the main Danzig post offices in Arge Danzig Newsletter 986 in September 1998.


With the takeover of the Danzig Post through the Prussian move of the Oberpostamt
from Stolzcnberg (see page 6)10 Danzig in the Polish Posthaus at Lan ger Mark: 39, on
the corner of Kirschnergasse.

(Date Unknown)
According to an etching, the location is LoigerMarkr 43,10 the right of the Artushof.

Before 1822
According to Stadtplan of 1822, the post office is now on IIIDamn, @ Hakergasse.

Remodeling of the building at Lwzggasse 22-24, on the corner of Plaurzvngasse (later changed to Postgasse) for the postal operation.

1.7.1875 Change of designation to “DanzIg 1”.

Ca. 1900 The postal buildings were expanded to cover from Lan ggasse 22-25 thru Ilundegasse 114-116. From its closing at the end of March, 1945 (Danzig fell on 27 March), Danzig I remained thc main post office, becoming “Gdansk 50” of Polish Gdansk.


Another installment from Lt. Col Herman L Halle’s writings from the German Postal Specialist; this time from Vol.31 No.2, 1980, which he entitled: Death of a Suburb

One of the most curious periods of the Prussian Postal Administration during the reign of Frederick the Great was the so-called “French Postal Monoply”.

After the Hubertshurg Peace of 1763, Frederick thc Great, during a conversation with the famous scientist Claude Adrian 1-lelvetius, learned of the excellence of the French Financial Establishment.

On this basis, in 1766,011 the recommendation of the French Finance Minister, he directed the recomm ended Mr. Bernard to assume the position of superintendent, and a Mr. Moret to take charge of all postal establishments. A third member, Mr. Dc La ilouge. joined the group. Under their guidance, the postal management, or administration, was formed. Selected civil servants were appointed to a Postal Commission..

This commission developed new postal establishments, which, after approval by the king. were introd uced. With but few changes, they remained in effect until the war year of 1806.

In 1769, this French Administratrion was dissolved when large-scale embezzlements by Bernard and Morel caine to light. The two escaped and the State Minister, von Dcrschau. took charge of the postal administration. his first act was the complete dismissal of all foreign officials with their entourages.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 110 - January - February - March - 2001, Page 5.

Hits: 3416

Added: 29/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
