In this Report:
Historic Times --- Could it be 60 Years, ...................................................................Page 1, 3 - 5
Brösen’s 125th Anniversary Celebration on Michel 259-261; plus- the Beaches at Glettkou & Zoppot 8-13
Busy times at #43 Langenmarkt (NSDAP) .........................................................................14-15
Postal Rate Charts - John Whiteside .................................................................................20-73
Danzig Coil Stamps - Some New Discoveries (+ Y1K Fantasies) - Giles du Boulay ...........26-30
AUCTION No. 4-DR105 ........................................................................................................31-36
Gdaásk, Again
It came unexpectedly, hut trip No.11 to Danzig/Gdalisk took root in August. Casual remarks to our travel agent resulted in making plans for a fast trip, some of the time during the annual Dominican Fair. Your editor’s crew kept the schnoot to the grindstone, digging up more information that will fuel some future articles in the Reports. Not all objectives were met, so it means schlcpping hack again in 2000 to get that vital information on the elusive .Mius Sauer I)ruckcrei that covered several city block.s in the 1930s. hut is now all but lost in the minds of the current population. Last year we thought that we had it cornered on the Fkischergasse, hut Prof. Januszajtis indicates that it was actually one block north of our location. This will he thoroughly researched for accuracy, of course. You can bet on that!
A Welcome Contact with the Museum Director
Donna had made arrangements for the 3 Brils (Giles du Boulay. Malcolm Stewart and Ian Nutley), Curt Hosny (1)cnmark), and two stragglers from the U.S. to drive to the Weichselmunde fortress on the Vistula, even though it was still closed to visitors. Our very knowledgeable guide, Mr. Zdzislaw llalewski. of the Museum Hisloru Miasta Gdaiska, showed us around the star fort, including a climb to the top of the tower. It still lacks the familiar cone-shaped roof, but we found enough information to provide a future profile in the Reports (1)R- 108). We’re grateful to l)onna. the Professor, and Director Balewski for their wonderful help. The latter. incidentally, sought and gave us permission to photog raph the current appearance of what we frequently see in drawings as the “DieW of Danzig” in the building next to the Anus Court. Many thanks from all of us!
One other thing: the .%iernwarre, which is the tower attached to the Natural History Museum (at the Frauengasse Gale) is now open to visitors and offers line views for photos. The Brits also tell us that the Rathaus tower is also available for city viewing. Things are looking up!
More and more Information on Danzig Philately 1. Surfacing Several important items to be noted: First, John Whiteside has graciously designed some easy-to-read charts that will allow us to figure postal charges more accurately. These are included in a separate color-coded section of this Report. Secondly. Jim (Iraue has written a great follow up story on the catapult flights, which leads off our next Report. Many thanks, Jim! And finally, your elves have some new digital stuff to play with, which will make even clearer R&W prints: it’s a Sharp AR-161 copier. Future articles include one on the origin of l)an7ig blocks, with a spectacular proof that was found on e-Hay. Speaking of AUCTIONS. don’t overlook #4-DR105. in this issue--plenty of good material!
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 105 - October - November - December - 1999, Page 2.
Hits: 3177
Added: 26/07/2015
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