In this Report:
Another Look at Postage Due Systems ....................................................................Page 1, 3-6
Schaffner Bahnpost cancels - Questions from Curt Hosny .......................................................7
Minard’s Danzig Varieties List of stamps 112 thru 180 .....................................................9 - 18
More information on the PERFINS OF DANZIG - John Neefus & Willem Smetsers ............20- 35
Ubiquitous Bleistifstrichen - Abounding in the Bourse - Duke Day .................................36 - 39
Forgery Alert: Perfins ............................................................................................................40
Ready to Go!
Thanks for all the quick renewals this past month! The fCSOflSC has been fantastic, and the elves finished the year with a burst of energy. resulting in planning l)anzig Reports well into the next century. Files were established for ISSUCS through 2002. which wilt make it easier to keep copy and illustrations at our fingert ips. without dedicating days for nothing hut searches. Rut we won’t go into that. Sullice it to say that we have a wonderful series of articles already started. All we are asking is for you to think over anything that we have missed and that you could submit from your own collections or scrap hooks that might apply to those subjects. We’ll publish our [till list in the next Report. A partial schedule is on page 40.
Arge Danzig to meet with us at IBRA?
Klaus Wolff and his l)anzig Study Group of Germany are hoping to meet at Ntirmherg for a joint session with our collectors. Also, we have heard Irom Curt Hosny, who heads the I )anish Group will also he visiting the IBRA international stamj) show, with his wife Inga. I lopefully. this will provide another opportunity to exchange notes as we did at l)onauescliingen with Karl Kniep and others.
Needed: A detailed study of Danzig and area postal rates
Excuse our naivett. hut the editor feels the need for an extensive article, or complete issue, covering the Danzig rates, with each (or some) illustrated by a cover or card. There is a space during the summer of 2002 for such a study. SO who would like to interpret the Michel and other charts for an English version that would help us all? If necessary. we can print UI) to 11” x 17” charts. The correction by (uiles on page 3 shows how difficult it is to carry this information around in aging brains. Sorry.
Also: Julius Sauer Co. — Any Sauer covers out there? We need copies for an article. IF they exist!
Help with the PERFIN SURVEY..
ohn Neefus’ Introduction to 1)anzig Perfins in l)R-92 was well-received and caused a stir in the study of this field. Now there is an international group working with John to broaden the scope of his original article, and they are asking our members to look at their perfins and to either describe or to send copies of their I )allzig material, to WlI I ,EM SMETSERS. whose address is on-page 20. Thanks.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 102 - January - February - March - 1999, Page 2.
Hits: 3444
Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2025