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Gallery » Danzig Report 102 - January, February, March 1999 » Curt Hosny asks about the Schaffner Bahnpost


Curt Hosny asks about the Schaffner Bahnpost
Are there other types of cancels not reported? What do you think?

He asks: Does anyone of the Danzig Study Group have answers or remarks to the following questions9
1. The cancellation is found with dots (. ) in between the date numbers.
2. The cancellation is found with slashes (I) in between the date numbers.
3. The cancellation is found with nothing ( ) in between the date numbers.
4. The cancellation is not found with dashes (-) in between the date numbers.

Are one or more of the above-mentioned cancels related with a: point after 3, b: no point after 3, C: Type 1, ord: Type 2? I have seen only one item of 12-iN, as shown in the catalog as Type lb (with dot). Are there any different hours known - beside 7-8N and 12-iN - in Type la, lb. and Type 2? Is any cancellation known without the year (as shown in the catalog as Type ib) - or is this just an error in the printing?

Klaus Wolff, in his catalog, writes that Type 2 is somewhat wider (DANZIG =20 mm wide) than Types la and lb (DANZIG = 19 mm wide). See Fig. 1: This measures 20mm with the dot! Does this item then become Type 2a?

Also, note the mixture of tall and short digits/figures in the cancellation, which I have never seen before.

Are the cancellations most common when used on domestic letters or with a destination abroad? I have only one domestic item.

Have you fellows in the study group run into anything else regarding the Schaffner cancellations? Please reply to: Curt Hosny, Vejrholm 27, DK9220 Aalborg East., Demnark.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 102 - January - February - March - 1999, Page 7.

Hits: 3544

Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
