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Danzig REPORT NO. 99

Danzig's Early Commercial Aviation
Catapult Mail .......Page 18
First Flights .........Page 19

Editor: John H. Bloecher            1743 Little Creek Drive         Baltimore         MD 21207-5230


by Dr. Werner M. Bohne

Dr. Bohne needs no introduction to members of our study group. Fie has been instrumental in fighting forgeries for many years, during which he also served as president of the GPS. We are very happy to present Bohne's latest discoveries in the field of Danzig stamps. In this story, even the experts were fooled! - Ed.

Copies of the 15 Pfg. stamp of the Germania issue of 1920, Michel No. 142, with a burlage (Fig.1) are often offered as proofs for Danzig overprints, which is completely false!

The copy illustrated at the left is actually Germany, Michel No. 142aP. The Reichsdruckerei (German State Printing Works) overprinted three of these sheets with burlage as a trial to be used in connection with the proposed Saar surcharges for the Michel Nos.50-52 (Fig.2), not to be confused with Danzig issues.

>> >> >> Continued on page 3


Danzig Report  Nr. 99 - April - May - June - 1998, Page 1.

Hits: 3082

Added: 06/10/2015
Copyright: 2025
