Airline schedules and general information
Map of areas served and locations of take-off for the North Atlantic catapult flights.
Chart at the right is from the 396-page 1936 book, offering airline schedules and general information, entitled: Reichs Luftkursbuch, unter Mitarbeit der DEUTSCHEN LUFTHANSA AG Herausgegeben vom REICHSLUFT- FAHRTMINISTERIUM, JANUAR 1936, Berlin Preis RM 1.
Column headings:
1. Time of departure from starting point.
2. Arrival at destination.
3. Single fare.
4. Return fare.
5. Rate of chg. for excess baggage.
6. Special circumstances.
7. Route -- numbers by means of which a journey going beyond that shown in one section of the table may be worked out.
Danzig Report Nr. 99 - April - May - June - 1998, Page 21.
Hits: 3015
Added: 06/10/2015
Copyright: 2025