Michel No. 180 - Airmail stamp Danzig
2. Procedure
5. The “a” in Field 6
A broken piece of metal appears in some, but not all, of the “a” letters found in Field 6. Whenever this oval shape with a tail shows up, you can count on a 6.
6. Conclusion
Michel No. 180 provides many individual fingerprints which aid identification of the individual fields. Not an expensive stamp, large quantities are available for study. Even full sheets can be found, at reasonable expense. As you find more varieties, send them in and we will share them.
Ballonkarte No. 652
In past Reports and at the GPS convention in Chicago, we discussed the total number of balloon cards that were launched by the children at a Kinderfest on Wednesday, July 27th, 1932. The hydrogen balloons carried cards that were to be mailed back to the Luposta headquarters, and the child whose card traveled the fartherest won a prize. It seems that our samples were numbered only 72, 75, and 98. However, Giles du Boulay has sent in a copy of a card that numbers 652! Is this the highest number still in existence?
Danzig Report Nr. 59 - April - May - June - 1988, Page 12.
Hits: 2726
Added: 26/06/2015
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