1934 Propaganda Card
Bill Ruh sends this card, written 25.6.34 and showing the sender’s writing over the text at the top. Printed in 4 colors + black, it is under the auspices of the Arge for boundary line study. The written message describes a tour of Danzig:
My Dear, In your dear letter which I receive d today, you say that I’m always speaking of “highlights”. But this is how I really feel. About Marienburg I must repeat myself. I would have liked to stay for another day to enjoy the fine art and culture of the castle once more. Again and again I wish to bring you and Klaus to this place. Moved in to Danzig while the most beautiful, weather. Thru our connection with “Greiser” could get a guide. He was brilliant. Visited Artushof, Trinity Church, Rathaus, Marienk irche. In the afternoon, a harbor excursion. Great impressions. Wednesday afternoon at 4:47 we will be in Wilhelmshaven. I’m looking forward to this very much.
Greetings to you and Klaus,
Your Hans
Danzig Folio
Speaking of Marienkirche, opposite is an engraving by Berthold Hellingrath from an early post card.
Danzig Report Nr. 59 - April - May - June - 1988, Page 14.
Hits: 2794
Added: 26/06/2015
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