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In This Report:
Langgasse - It’s Seen It All ..................................................................................... Pages 1-10
Danzig: Glimpses 50 Years Later - Giles du Boulay ....................................................... 11-15
Letters to the Editor: A New Perf Djscovery .................................................................. 16-17
Gross Ganzsachen .............................................................................................................. 18
Unusual Re9istration Labels ......................................................................................... 18-21
Danzig Folio Print: Der Stockturm - Copper engraving by Reinhold Curicke, 1687..........22

Notes from the Editor:
Some of us can remember the events that were unfolding in September of 1939, others may recall the 1945 finale, while the rest of us got into the picture vicarously as students of history, much later in time. All, however, have been affected by events that occurred in Danzig. Some explanation of the first ten pages of this Report may be necessary. Danzig is one of those cities in which things happened - often with devastating results. Within the lifetime of many of us, the Nazi era is the most unforgettable example. The communistic occupation had a numbing effect, and many of the present population exhibit a novocain countenance. Cyclical events have occurred for a millenium: the Teutonic Knights, Napoleonic battles, Russian as well as Prussian military occupations, etc. One of the constants over the last four or five hundred years have been structures witnessing these events; e.g., the Langasse/Diuga/Royal Road, which hosted many tragic and joyous events through the centuries. We salute these structures which have outlasted diverse ideologies. On Page 11, Giles du Boulay offers additional philatelic studies of WWII.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 68 - July - August - September - 1990, Page 2.

Hits: 3492

Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
