Gross Ganzsachen
Can anyone shed light on this strange Ganzsachen? It looks quite normal until you try to find it in the catalog. The 15 Pfg. lilac is similar in style to the brown Mi. P-b, but color and size are both wrong. The letters actually are like the 1924 series, but there is no 15 Pfg. value there. Both of those similar cards shown in the catalog measure 140 x 90 mm, not the 148 x 88.5 n-un of this card. Stock is salmon colored with a granite-like appearance. A vertical ribbed texture is apparent when held up on an angle to the light. Forget the Zoppot favor cancel; what can this be - a proof? Did I get gypped out of 25 cents?
Unusual Danzig Registration Labels:
Last Sunday (24 June) we had our local ARGE meeting in Hamburg with chairman “Charlie” Kniep on the board. Again, a small core group was meeting to enlarge its specific knowledge and to acquire or exchange stamps, post cards, etc. Before going, I looked through my files and found some “auxiliary” R—labels and took them to show the members. Since Chairman Kniep asked for copies, I made some with additional copies for your group.
Here are my comments:
1. The handwritten Heubude on Danzig 1 is a scarce item, as is:
2. Dzg—Neufahrwasser is a blue rubber stamp on Brosen. This label was used in 1936 with another one: Danzig-Brosen, likewise overstamped, on occasion of the 125th anniversary of Brosen, a seaside health spa. Both types of overstamped labels were rather commonly used on letters with the Brosen commemoration postage stamps. The ex- Brosen label was printed prior to 1914 when this place was incorporated into the town of Danzig.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 68 - July - August - September - 1990, Page 18.
Hits: 3017
Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2025