The remaining four labels are really rare; I’ve seen them only on these letters:
3. Danzig=Neufahrwasser: a blue rubber stamp on a plain label, in 1942.
4. Kalthof/Bz.Danzig: a blue rubber stamp on Pieckel/(Freie Stadt Danzig) in 1942 when no “Freie” town existed anymore.
5. Neuteich/(Freie Stadt Danzig): a blue rubber stamp on Marienburg (Wpr) in 1923, when Marienburg was still part of the Reich. This stamp is also found on telegrams overriding the printed “Danzig”.
6. Zoppot: a black rubber stamp on Kokoschken in 1920, which itself was a small place within the Corridor, and belonged to Poland. Called “Kokoszki” in Polish, it is now a suburb of Gdansk, with its own post office: Gdansk 43. The Zoppot stamp was also used for cancelling postage stamps on parcels, and therfore, called in German: Packchenstempel.
That’s all for this time!
- Eddie Krause
Hamburg, West Germany
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 68 - July - August - September - 1990, Page 20.
Hits: 2876
Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2025