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For those of you who collect Revenues, there is a new study group being organized in England, with such noted philatelistS as Robson Lowe, Gary S. Ryan, A.R.Butler and dive Akerman as officers and editor. Information may be had through an old friend of Danzig, John Whiteside, 4 Moorfields, Scott Hall Rd., Leeds LS17 6SJ, England. Cost for membership is £12 in the UK and £15 annually (payable in sterling) elsewhere.

Poland is considering issuing gas masks in the southern part of the country to protect the people from air pollution. Civil Defense officials said that pollution is particularly severe in Katowice, which accounts for 20% of Poland’s industrial output. We didn’t notice any particular smog problem in Gdaisk in the last couple of years, although it is disconcerting to see a plume of smoke rising in the distance and continue to burn during our entire stay. The electric works is also a culprit, burning the abundant soft brown coal of the region.

Thanks to the following contributors to DR#68: Giles du Boulay, Duke Day, John Gilroy, Eddie Krause and Bill Ruh.

We are happy to report that Mr. Blame Taylor, of Towson MD, has joined us. Blame is a free—lance writer who has produced several articles and book reviews for Baltimore newspapers, as well as a stint as photo/editor for Time/Life ks His current project is a book on the War of 1812. (Unfortunately, our plans to record Col. Halle’s memoirs of his days with U.S. Army Intelligence never became a reality, with Harry’s death several years ago.) Mr. Taylor introduced us to a series of magazines entitled “After the Battle: 50 Years Ago”. Number 65 contains 53 pages of photos of Danzig - the Westerplatte and Polish Post Office battles! The author, Wiktor Kurowski, has retraced the locations and compares news photos with the same sites today. You can order this back issue for $4.75 (+ $1.50 for handling one item, + $2.25 for two or more), from SKY BOOKS INTERNATIONAL, 48 East 50th St., New York, NY 10022. (In New York, add appropriate sales taxes.) In England, the magazines originate from BATTLE OF BRITAIN PRINTS INTERNATIONAL, LTD., Church House, Church St., London E5 3JA. Send SASE for list of hundreds of other titles, or check your local bookstore.

Wiadyslaw Dziemianczuk has finished the translation of a Polish account of Hevelius’ life as Danzig brewmeister and astrmOnOmer so we’ll assemble the full story in a Report in 1991.

Finally, we have printed several of partial cliche plates and will be able to publish the results (Nachdruck) in Report #69.

Another subject due for the next Report will be the Great Synagogue location, researched by John Gilroy and Ernie Solit.

We were approached by the new Danish group recently formed by Curt Hosny of Aalborg, and we will be reciprocating information with the Danzig Gruppen of Denmark. More on this later.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 68 - July - August - September - 1990, Page 23.

Hits: 2565

Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
