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l. Michel #214.— 15 Pfg. red, Feld 1: Streak at top left margin, and nick at middle left.
m. Feld 11: The famous, but elusive Michel #2141, with long line from top of 15 at left. Also listed in the article are four small breaks in the D of Danzig.
n. Feld_: Point in 8 of Stadt; also known with Wz. 5.
o. Feld_: Small point in a of Stadt.
p. Feld 6: 8 of Stadt is notched at top.

If you have found any other anomalies of this series, please let us know. Thanks to the ARGE for their research.

Another reminder that the DIMPS Circuit is available to members of the G.P.S. and contains many unusual varieties as well as standard Danzig stamps. Several users have written to urge others to take advantage of this excellent means of finding elusive items without sending overseas for them.

Write to: Marcel Jaffe
DIMPS Sales Circuit
P.O. Box 55024
Metairie, LA 70055

Correction! In D.R.70, we identified the statue of the Madonna and Child as being on the exterior of the Golden (Steffen) House. This is incorrect, as Wociech Kruczkowski reports from a U.S. air base in Germany. As everyone should know (gulp!), the statue was inside the Artushof. Rather than provide you with a fast corrected copy of the old location, we will try to photograph the statue when in Danzig in May.

DANZIG NYT is the title of the bulletin of the Danish Danzig Study Group, and we have received several of their first editions, which are very nice. Curt Hosny has summarized the articles and will translate any which are pertinent to our studies. We hope to meet Curt in Hamm-Pelkum, and we send the Gruppen our best wishes for success!

Danzig Portfolio Print on the next page is of St. Bartholomew which is shown in the background of the drawing on Page 8. As stated, the exact location of Hevelius’ house and platform is not precise, but we can identify the church location.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 71 - April - May - June - 1991, Page 23.

Hits: 2796

Added: 30/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
