> Information has been received from Curt Hosny (Denmark) who has speedily translated a letter from Edward,Hadas, who is employed by the Polish Post Office in Gdansk, is an avid Danzig collector and is the liaison for the upcoming meetings.
> The Poznan exhibition is quite large and commemorates the centenary of organized philately in Poland. This will be held under the highest patronage of the FIP. It will be held from 7 May - 16 May, and then the Danzig groups will re—convene in Gdansk.
> On the afternoon of 17 May, Edward has arranged for us to meet at the House of Philately, home of the Polish Danzig groups.
> The next morning (May 18), Edward will conduct a sights eeing trip thru the city. Among other things, we will visit the Hans Diringers astronomic clock in the Marien— kirche, finally will be running again and dedicated next May 3rd. In the afternoon, we will enjoy a beer at the Dwor Artusa (Artus Hof) and discuss a stamp exhibition to be held in its museum next fall, coinciding with the reopening of the building.
> We met Edward Hadas last May and enjoyed seeing his vast collection of Danzig. His medals include three golds in the last five years in exhibitions in Poland. Even though Edward doesn’t speak fluent English, we had little trouble communicating with a fellow Danziger. With little doubt, we will all gain by the rich interchange of knowledge that will be available at these meetings.
> Arrangements can be made thru with your travel agent, who will contact Orbis for hotel reservations. The exhibition hail in Poznan is in the main downtown area, and several ?ood hotels are nearby. Rail transportation from Berlin is a good alternative to flying into Warsaw.
> Plan to stay several more days in Gdaisk; it will take that long to absorb the fundamentals of the old city. This will be a good opportunity to identify, visit and photograph the post offices of both the German and the Polish Harbor eras. Most still look the same as in your old photos. You couldn’t have a better guide than Edward Hadas.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 77 - October - November - December - 1992, Page 57.
Hits: 2696
Added: 03/07/2015
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