In this Report:
Famous Ships of Danzig: Michel 284 - 288 .......... Pages 1-13
Forgeries - They’re ba-a-a-a-a-ck1 ................................ 15-18
Further Studies of Telegrams ...................................... 19-26
Seediensi Ostpreul3en posters ........................................... 27
DIMPS Circuit now GAC ...................................................... 28
It’s Been a Good Year! .
All the travelling isn’t over yet - we still have the GPS convention at FLOREX, with our Danzig Study Group meeting after the General Meeting on Saturday, November 11th - but we covered a lot of ground in Europe in May. We thank Ronny and Alice for their hospitality and the drive to the ArGe meeting in Hamm-Pelkum. Of course, it was good to get together with the German, Dutch and Danish members in the beautiful spring weather. Curt Hosny dropped us off at the Hamburg airport on his way to Denmark, which simplified the trip to Gdansk. As usual, Donna helped immensely in getting us to an important tour of the Stutthof camp. Baltimorean Morris Rosen is translating a Polish article about the various activities and sub-camps that allowed some prisoners to work in Danzig. The big article on Slutthof will be coming out next year. John Miskevich is hard at work on a Gotenhafen article, which will also be published in the near future. The information is coming in - just hang on until we have a chance to get it into print. Thanks to everyone for all of your input and kindness!
Oh yes. This nautical Report doesn’t smell like the sea since we had a change of heart (and nose). Dead seaweed may not have worked, after all.
Danzig Report Nr. 88 - July - August - September - 1995, Page 2.
Hits: 3120
Added: 11/07/2015
Copyright: 2025