Fu-Shing, Ocean going dredge.
The second ship in the 1938 series of charity stamps is the Fu-Shing, an ocean-going dredge. It is one of two sister ships designed and constructed at the Schichau Works in Danzig. They were ordered and built for a Chinese customer, the Yangste-Kiang Society of Shanghai. Used for dredging rivers and harbors, only one of the two ships was delivered to the corporation before the Japanese occupied Shanghai and the first dredge fell into their hands. After the launching and outfitting of the Fu-Shing, it was ready to leave for China In 1935, but the unsettled political situation postponed delivery indefinitely. Those two ships broke new ground in dredge design and were the largest and most efficient in the world. Their capacity was 18,000 cubic meters of silt per hour (23,5000 cubic yards.)
Overall dimensions of the ships were: draft of 5.5 meters, beam of 19.57 meters, and length of 122 meters (400 feet). The shipyards of Danzig showed great resourcefulness to build such specialized vessels, known as Satigbagger
Danzig Report Nr. 88 - July - August - September - 1995, Page 6.
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Added: 11/07/2015
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