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Gallery » Danzig Report 96 - July, August, September 1997 » DIENSTMARKEN - A FURTHER STUDY


FIGURE 4 - Official cover from the Zoppot Magistrate, postmarked 13.7.20. The two stamps, Michel No. 4, were part of the first provisional release of 14.6.20. This cover is another early example of standard postage being used prior to the issuance of official postage in Aug. 1921. The Magistrate’s handstamp is on the back, and the printing on the lower left of the front side translates: Official matter, liable to paymnent of postage’ Former Michaelis cover, S/ Schuler

FIGURE 5 - The ArGe Reference Chart I showing each of the Michel numbers under study with the numbering system of each of the anomalies shown on the opposite page.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 96 - July - August - September - 1997, Page 4.

Hits: 3013

Added: 20/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
