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Gallery » Bordercancels Danzig France » Postal rates between Danzig and France.

Postal routes, Transit cancels and Postal rates between Danzig - France.

- Danzig - Bordeaux; letter of 23-3-1825.
Route; Danzig - Berlin - Saarbrück - Forbach - Paris - Bordeaux.
Postmarks; Danzig Wolff 004A, C.P.R. 4. (is wrong rayon postmark) from Saarbrück later corrected to C.P.R. 5. Prusse par Forbach entry postmark from France.
- Danzig - Bordeaux; letter of 12-4-1825.
Route; Danzig - Berlin - Saarbrück - Forbach - Paris - Bordeaux.
Postmark; Danzig Wolff 005, C.P.R. 4. (wrong rayon postmark) from Saarbrück, Prusse par Forbach entry postmark from France.

Hits: 2230

Added: 05/11/2007
Copyright: 2024
