Since its foundation in 1947, the Germany and Colonies Philatelic Society has grown from a small nucleus of enthusiasts to a Society with a membership from all over the world.
The Danzig Study Group of the UK was launched on 1 January 2007. I hope that members of the new group will share their knowledge and enjoyment of their collections with me in the pages of a quarterly, full colour, A4-sized journal The Danzig Philatelist, on any aspect of Danzig/Gdańsk philately encompassing postage or revenue stamps and postal history including postcards, postal stationery, documents and relevant ephemera of any period. Annual Subscription: UK: £10.00. Cash or sterling cheques payable to ‘P.G.H. du Boulay’ Non-UK: cash only: Europe £12.00, Rest of World £15.00. I prefer sterling but I will take Euros, Polish złotys or US dollars if you add a bit extra to cover my bank charges in changing them – e.g. at current rates for Europe 18 Euros or 70 Złotys and for Rest of World $30 Giles du Boulay, 8 Malvern Road, Aylesbury, Bucks., HP20 1QF, UK Tel. [0044] (0)1296 488703 E-mail: