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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 104 » Acknowledgements


Figure 35 - A letter sheet that is similar in design to Fig. 9 (page 10) but from April 1944. This design is listed in the Lordahl catalog as Abhfldunq 1. At this later date, the boxed censor stamp was replaced with only a date stamp and an initial of the person who censored the mail. Lordahl lists this period of usage from October, 1942. through January, 1945.

How many censors actually worked in the Stutthof camp? It seems that just about all of the signatures are by the hand of a person who has a unicjue method of signing a script letter P. Any suggestions?

Now comes the toughest part of this project ——including qjj of those who contributed to this study without hwgeltini anyone. The reality is that this project has been moving forward since 1995. and many contrihutors have sent in photos and copies of covers that have migrated from pile to pile as they were added to the text. It has developed into a full-time job. just kecping the records straight. And we are extremely thankful to those who made such large contributions. Especially, we should thank Morris Rosen. who not only translated many pages of Polish text. hut also contributed color photos of material.
Others who were involvedin the Stutthof project were:
• Curt Ilosny. Aalhorg. l)cnmark
• Bill Ruh, New York
• Thins Vogels. Bydgosicz. Poland
• Giles dii Booby. Great Britain
• Ian NuIlev. Great Britain
• Mr. Tlrynkieewicz. Gdansk
• Wilt Kolbach, Illinois
• Ronny v. Waardhnizen. Antwerp
• Betty Bloecher. A great sport!
To those we missed, we are
truly sorry and will add you later.

A few of the puhlication.c we consulted:
• Marek Orski: “The Last Days of Sturthof”
• “Stutthof
- !Iitlerowski ol,oz koncentracvjny” (Many authors
• I )r. I .ouis 13.Snyder - “Encyclopedia of the Third Reich”
• Rom uald I )ryn k o: “Stusthof Museum Guide”
• German Postal Specialist - Slutthof article by Arnold Engel
• Third Reich Study Group Bulletins of the (IPS
• Thanks to the U.S.Holocaust Museum. Washington. DC
“Konzentrationslager Siutthof by Erik I ordahl. Norway
• henry Schwab. USA -


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 104 - July - August - September - 1999, Page 38.

Hits: 3435

Added: 25/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
