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Gallery » Danzig Report 110 - January, February, March 2001 » RUBBER STAMP CATALOG OF THE THIRD REICH


Copies made directly from an original catalog found in a Danzig antique store, reveal type-faces that were also used for stamp overprints from August of 1923. Don’t confuse these products with the printed overprints on the stamps. which were printed directly from metal type faces or from molded metal cliches. This catalog was used by postal, government or private offices for ordenng those rubber stamps that appear on our covers, in red, green, bLack, purple or blue ink. Also important is the fact that this is a catalog published for today’s market by a forger attempting to sell fake products made from remanufactured 3rd Reich ephemeral.

In DR-59, page 13, we tried (but failed) to match the fonts with a standard American type-face catalog. The fonts just don’t match modern styles, since they are typical German designs. The major problem with this catalog is that the font types are not identified by name, only by number.

Comparing the Frankenstein type found in our computer fonts with No.51 in the catalog, you will see the differences in the design of the two types:

Front cover of rubber-stamp catalog. Material is med. gray, soft-cover stock, joined with two 1” brass paper fasteners. Cover and page size is 7-13116” high x 6” wide.

All pages are copied at actual size: the original is in black ink on white paper.

There are 19 pages of fonts and various sizes of rubber type. Next is a page of suggested layouts of the stamper. Followed by a page of Third Reich circular stamps, oval commercial stamps. and an unusual lot of five “…” symbols.

We have seen them on covers: now we understand how they were made.

On the last pages. you can estimate the cost of an assembled stamper, using the RM rate of the mid-to-late 1930s. There is no date in the book.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 110 - January - February - March - 2001, Page 18.

Hits: 2489

Added: 29/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
