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Gallery » Danzig Report 151 - july, August, September 2010 » The Schleswig-Holstein's Log Book

An amazing Documeny and Story.
The Schleswig-Holstein's Log Book, handwritten by Kapitain zur See, Gustav Kleikamp.

Russian Field Gun is Loaded on the Schleswig-Holstein for Display at the Mürwik Naval Schule.

Answering one question about the disposition of the gun after its display in Danzig-photo from Nocny's book 'Nowy Port' states that this showns the "smuggling of the 3" gun {by 4 Poles} from Neufahrwasser to Westerplatte {in hold of steamer}".

German sailors have custody of the gun and take it to its final rest in Mürwick, Germany.

Danzig Report Nr. 151, page 15.

Hits: 2498

Added: 29/08/2010
Copyright: 2024
