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Gallery » Danzig Report 149 - October, November, December 2010 » Danzig enters the Age of Automatisation by Bill Ruh

Danzig enters the Age of Automatisation, by Bill Ruh.

Two of Bill Ruh's covers containing Provisional Coil Stamps.
Top: Zoppot, 14.7.1926 and Kahlbude, 1.3.1933.

*- Single stamp with very prominent ridges from dispensing machine.
Stamps with prominent ridges.
Past-up of bottom selvedge done only early in the use of coil stamps.

*- Provisional coil paint ridges, left.
Syncopated perf coil, right.

Up pops a cover to D.W. Graveman who lived in New York City and relied on Mr. Goldberger to make regular sendings of the latest Danzig stamps & covers from the dealer's shop in Langhfuhr, as his seal shows with the backstamps in this 1933 piece. We can't tell from this black & white copy wheter the strip of four at the top of the cover actually came from a coil despenser, but there is an overwhelming possibillity that they did; at least that is what we present-day collectors would have requested from Mr. Goldberger.

Danzig Report Nr. 149 - 2010, page 9.

Hits: 2673

Added: 21/12/2010
Copyright: 2024
