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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » City Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue

City Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue.

27. May, 1921.
Package card insured for 500 Marks from Danzig Langfuhr to Berlin Germany.
Card is franked with three copies of the 2 Mark value from the burelage issue (greenish-grey burelage, points DOWN) on the front to meet the 6 Marks postage for this 5 Kg. package. Postal rates from May 6, 1920 for up to 5 Kg. are as follows.
Postage: - - - - - - - - 4.0 Marks
Registration: - - - - - 1.0 Mark
Insurance: - - - - - - - 1.0 Mark
The three 2 Mark stamps are cancelled with the 6-ray cork cancel from Danzig Langfuhr and card has a DANZIG Langfuhr z circular date cancel dated 27.4.21. 4-5N.
The card is backstamped with a Berlin 87 cancel dated - The parcel card also has a pink censur label on the front and a black circular censur cancel on the back.

Hits: 2650

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
