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Gallery » The Danzig Philatelist - Index 2007-2011 » The Danzig Philatelist - Index K - R

The Danzig Philatelist  - - -  Index   - -   K  /  R
Index: January 2007 to December 2011 [DP1 to DP20]

 Article headings in bold type : Issue no. /page(s)

Königsberg: 1/18, 1/19, 3/8, 5/4, 7/4, 8/17, 13/6, 18/4, 19/4
Korps-Kartenstelle, Hela: 9/19-20
Krantor: 4/8, 7/15, 8/18, 14/20, 16/6
Kreisel, Paul: 16/5-6
Kriegerdenkmal, Danzig Holzmarkt: 5/1
Kriegsgefangenenlager Danzig-Troyl: 2/1-15, 19/12
Kriegsgefangenenlazarett, Danzig-Strohdeich: 19/10, 19/12
Kristallnacht: 18/3-4
Kumpies: 10/10, 12/16-17
Kurbrandenburgische Postroute (17th century postal route): 7/3-5, 7/10
Landespostdirektion d. Freien Stadt Danzig: 17/10
Landesstempelmarken: 17/3-8
Landpost:  6/9-13
Land Registration tax stamps: 17/1, 17/3-9
Landsturm : 2/4, 2/7-8
Landwehr: 5/13
Lange, Carl: 7/17, 11/19
Lazarettschiff: 19/4, 6 & 10
Lazaretschiffszüge: 19/3, 5, & 9, 20/13
Lazarettzüge: 19/3, 4, 9 & 10, 20/13-14
League of Nations: 1/18, 7/15, 7/17, 11/19, 15/14, 19/13
L’Echo de Bischofsberg: 5/6
1.  Leibhusaren Regiment No.1: 5/13
Leipzig incident’ (light cruiser): 19/13
Lester, Sean: 17/2
Liga Morska i Kolonialna: 10/7
Lenz, W.: 7/15-16
Lohnsummen-Steuermarken: 9/17
London: 1/4, 1/6
‘LOPP’ stamps: 17/18-20
Loth (Prussian unit of weight): 20/20
Luftfeldpost concession labels: 4/1-2
Luposta (1932): 11/19, 12/19, 17/12-16
LZ127 Graf Zeppelin – the first flight to North America of 1929: 20/17-18
Mail between Danzig and Czechoslovakia – confusion and error over postal rates : 14/1-11, 15/20
  - Armee-Oberkommando Ostpreußen situation as at 6 May 1945: 9/19
  - Baltic (Crimean War): 1/1
  - Dantzig et ses environs (V.A. Malte-Brun, 1888): 5/2
  - Freibezirk (Harbour Free Zone): 11/3
  - Gdańsk postal management 1920/21: 12/2
  - On postcards, of Danzig and surrounding areas: 7/18-19, 10/6-7, 10/10-13, 12/16-19, 13/11-15
  - Postal map of the Free City of Danzig territory, May 1935: 7/supplement
  - Postal routes, 17th/18th centuries: 7/4
  - Sea routes to GB from Die Postverbindung Hamburg-Grossbritannien: 7/3
  - Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreussen, 1940: 3/12
  - Trans-Siberian Railway c.1907: 3/8
  - Troyl (1920): 2/1-2
Marienburg: 3/8, 3/10, 18/4
Marienkirche: 3/17, 4/8, 7/16, 8/14, 8/17, 10/9, 12/13, 16/5
Meisler, Frank: 18/1-2&5
Memel: 5/4, 7/4, 8/17, 19/4
Messehalle Technik: 5/19
Meyer, H.: 10/9
Mickiewicz, Adam: 19/15
Military mail (Franco-German War):5/13-14
Mit abgelöste Freimarke…: 3/3-4
Mit…abgelöste…Freimarke…in Danzig 1 Briefträgerei eingegangen: 3/3
“Mit L.Z. 127 Dübendorf-Danzig” - a detour on the way to Luposta: 17/12-16
Moskauer-Hilfscomité für Kriegsgefangene (Copenhagen):2/8
‘Mourning stamps’: 6/1-2
Municipal fees stamps: 13/17-18
Münsterwalde (bridge):12/19
Nachnahme: 2/20
Nachporto :10/20
Nationalsozialistische Volksfürsorge:18/7
Naval mail (1870/1):5/14
Nazi party in Danzig: 6/6, 7/16, 7/20, 8/18-20, 10/5, 11/18-19, 12/15, 15/11-14, 16/1-9, 18/6-8
Nicolai, Hauptmann, Commandant Danzig-Troyl: 2/4, 2/7
Nordeutsche Bundesmarine: 5/15
Norddeutscher Lloyd : 3/6, 5/18, 11/11
North German Confederation: 5/3, 5/7-8, 7/8, 7/13, 15/18
NSV-Ausstellung: 19/7
S.M.S. Nymphe (Prussian corvette) + picture: 5/14-15
Oberbefehlshaber Ost: 2/10
Oberpostdirektion: 3/14, 3/16, 3/18, 8/9
Official mail from the Königsberg Consulate, sent through the Polish Post in Danzig : 1/18-19
Official seals of the Polish Post in Danzig, used on non-official mail: 2/16-17
Oliva (Dampfer): 11/5-6
Opłacono gotówką: 6/14-19
Ostdeutsche Monatshefte: 7/17
Ostlandturnfest (1934): 16/1-2, 16/4-6
Ostpreußischer Füsilier-Regiment Nr.33: 5/1, 5/13
3 Ostpreußischen Grenadier-Regiment Nr.4: 5/1, 5/13
P. (paid): 7/7-9, 7/11
Paketbegleitbrief: 13/4
Paketkarten: 13/1-10
Pape (photographer, Neufahrwasser): 2/6
Paquebot: 11/11
Parcel cards: 13/1-10, 14/12-14
Parcel rates: 2/19, 13/1-10
P.D. (Port payé jusqu’à Destination): 5/9, 7/7-8, 7/12, 15/17, 16/19
Pfuhle, Fritz: 19/13
Phoney Danzig stamps: 15/20
Plaw, Consul-General Henry Robert (British Consul at Danzig 1837-1864): 1/3
Pobranie (cash on delivery): 2/16
Pohl, G., Danzig-Langfuhr: 2/17
POLECONA (registered): 1/18
Police Fees Stamps: 3/11-13
Polish army: 18/9-10
Polish Balloon mail from and to Gdańsk/Danzig: 15/1-10           
Polish censorship: 18/9-20
Polish Post in Danzig (Port Gdańsk):1/18-19, 2/16-17, 4/12-20, 6/14-19, 7/17-18, 8/1, 8/2-8, 10/15-19, 14/12-14, 14/15-17, 15/1-10, 16/12-18, 17/18-20
Polish Postal and Telegraphic Management Office: 1/18
Polish Telegraph Offices: 1/18, 12/1-12
Polnische Kohlenbahn’:7/19
Port Gdańsk ‘Juta letters’:14/15-17
Porto: 7/12
 ‘Posnanian War’:10/3
Postablagen: 6/9-13
Postage due: 10/20, 14/5-9
Postage Due discharged: 1/16
Postal propaganda: 4/8, 6/1-6, 7/15-20, 8/16-20, 10/5-13, 11/18-19, 12/15-19, 13/11-15, 14/20, 15/11-14, 16/1-9
Postal rates: 2/18-19, 3/1-2, 3/10, 4/20, 6/15, 7/3-14, 10/3, 13/1-10, 14/1-11, 15/15-19, 15/20, 16/19, 18/7, 19/13-16, 20/19-20
Postal stationery: 20/9-10
Postanweisungen ‘G numbers’: 19/19
Posthilfsstellen: 6/9-13
Postlagernd: 10/20
Postmarks (see Danzig PO postmarks)
Poste restante: 10/20
Post WW2 censorship of civil mail: 18/9-20
P.P. (Port Payé): 5/11
Präsident von Blumenthal (Danzig ship): 5/14
‘Pro-Juventute’ stamps: 3/14
Printed matter rates: 2/19
Prisoner Aid Agency, Paris: 2/11
Prisoners of War (and Mail): 2/1-15, 5/4-12, 13/16
Prussia: 5/3, 7/3
Prussia, mail routes & rates: 1/4, 1/7-8, 7/3-14, 15/15-19, 20/19-20
Prussian mile: 7/11, 20/20
Radó, Alex: 7/19
Rauschning, Hermann: 11/18, 12/15, 15/14, 16/9
Rearranging the ‘Germania’ overprints: 2/18
Red Cross: 2/4, 2/8-9, 2/14, 3/14, 5/6
Recommandirt: 7/7 

Hits: 4281

Added: 18/10/2011
Copyright: 2024
