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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 105 » More Ostseebad Slogan Cancels


More Ostseebad Slogan Cancels
Literally, tons ot greeting cards were scm from the beach resorts 01 Brlsen. (ilettkau anti i.oppo( during the hey-days of the 20s and 30s. Germans and Poles alike found solace in the soothing spas and lapping waves of the Danziger Buchi, afler the perils of the first World War. They came to forget. hut there were others who plotted 10 overthrow the “shackles” of the Versaille Treaty.

4 Special cancels emphasized the International Casino at Zoppot, next to the GrondHotel. With the beadi ..,ring the day and dancing and gambling at night, the seriousness of the world situation seemed far away This Is the first of three such cancels, per Rittmeister:
With two hour fIgures; 22 mm circle. 8.8.1935- 5.10.1935.
With one hour figure; 22 mm circle. 14.8.1935- 4.6.1938
c. WIth 28 mm circle; bridge In cancel 4.6.1938 - 1.4.1939

5 A fairly common cancel that entices visitors to make their main stop at the 8oltic spas. There were four sizes, and the text stayed heavy until 1.4.1932.
With 22mm cIrcle; lighter-faced type. 19.8. 1929
- 7.11. 1930.
Same size (41 mm L x 21 mm H); slightly heavier type and circle Is mashed from R. 11.3.1931.3.11.1931
Smaller overall size is 40.5 mm x 20 mm H. The 22 mm circle remains the same. 14.3.1932. 13.7.1932.
Text size is omaller; concxel size doesn’t change. 18.4.1932-27.9.1933.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 105 - October - November - December - 1999, Page 13.

Hits: 2362

Added: 26/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
