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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 104 » Sub Camps of Stutthof


Sub Camps of Stutthof

BOCIEN in the Torun [Thorn] District, northeast of Chelniza, organized August24, 1944; liquidated in January 1945. Population: mostly Jewish women (5,000), working on defensive reinforcements along the River Drweca. Population before evacuation: 3,225. Liberated by the Soviets.

BRUSY in the Bydgoszcz District, women’s camp, organized August 24, 1944; liquidated in January 1945. Population: 500 Jewish women in the barracks of the firm Heimsiatte. Employed doing fortif ication work.

BRZOZIE LUBAWSKIE - Plastowo in Bydgoszcz District, women’s sub camp organized July 15, 1944, liberated end of Jan.1945. Population: 1,000 Jewish women, housed near a dynamite factory, where they worked.

AUSSENARBEITSLAGER BROMBERG- OST - Organized on September 13, 1944; liquidated at the end of January, 1945. Population: 300 Jewish women working on the railroad. Liberated during evacuation.

ZIVILGEFANGENENLAGER ELBING for men; 200-500 prisoners. Organized in January 1940; liquidated in March, 1942, returning prisoners to Stutthof. Specialists working in industrial firms.

AUSSENARBEITSLAGER SCHICHAU WERFT ELBING - Organized September 20, 1944; liquidated January 20, 1945. Population: 2,900 men, working on subs, returned on foot to Stutthof.

ELBING BRUCKENKOPF - 341 prisoners on January 24, 1945.

Sub Camps in Danzig:

AUSSENKOMMANDO DANZIGER WERFI’ - August 26, 1944, to March, 1945. Population: 789 craftsmen, shipbuilding industry.

SS AUSSENKOMMANDO SCHICHAU WERFT and Burgraben, September 11, 1944, to Feb. 12, 1945. Population: 1600 men and women (500 Jewish women) brought to work by train from barracks in Kokoszki [Burgraben] to work in submarine construcion yard.

MACKI - September, 1939, to January, 1941, 100 men to erect barracks.

OSTROW - October 16, 1944, to March, 1945, 100 Jewish women working in the shipyards..

WESTERPLATTE - 14 Sept. ‘39, to 17 Apr. 1941, 100 persons to clean the grounds of Westerplatte.

WRZESZCZ [Langfuhrj - June, 1940, had 70 prisoners working in private brick and cement factory, housed on premises.

Sub Camps in Gdynia

From the spring of 1940 to the beginning of 1942, 20 men were employed in Orlow, building a villa for commanding officer of Stutthof Lager, Max Pauly.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 104 - July - August - September - 1999, Page 31.

Hits: 3091

Added: 25/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
