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Gallery » Danzig Report 103 - April, May, June 1999 » Forgeries of Port Gdansk Stamps


2.4.4 Forged Overprints
For several forms of overprints, more than one plate was used. I )arnaged plates were pailially rep airetl or replaced completely. These cluinges are itot important for this ai tide. because the basic nienstires of one overprint “Port ( kiatisk’’ (as caui he lotiuitl oci one sI;ImiI. iwcessaly 1(11 idcntilwaii’n. remained the same.

The shapes of the characters of the gemline overprints is very regular. lowever. at limes small delorm alions can appear due to plate daniage. Forgeries, many times. have very uenregimlar characters.

The forgeries will he shown in the following tables. ‘11w dii lereni forgeties are grouped in six types. fl;ised on similarities. forgers used only one type of forgery for (Ilifrient forms of (lie onginal overp rints. For example. usually OflC type (ii iOtg.Cr3f was used [Of OIiOtHIlS t’I I :fl ill intl IV of the original overpnnts. Fur ibis reason, all Ihese forgeries are grouped iiuidet Forgery Type 2.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 103 - April - May - June - 1999, Page 6.

Hits: 2704

Added: 24/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
