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Gallery » Danzig Report 103 - April, May, June 1999 » STAMP OF THE QUARTER No. 719



Here is a new feature that we hope to print in nearly every Report. It is an out-growth of the Danzig linwr der Lupe series of the past. A single stamp will he featured in each quarter, and we invite you t submit your favorite stamps for our enlightenment. Duke Day will co-edit.

Figure 1- Deutsches Reich Michel No. 719 was originally Danzig No. 291 until its overprinting, changing 8 p1. to 8 Rpf. The stamp, with its new overprint was issued 28 September, 1939, as a provisional issue, days after the conquest of Danzig.

Figure 2 - Enlargement of Reichspfennig abreviation showing the break at 5 o’clock in the bowl of the p. Do any of your other stamps in this series exhibit this break?

Let’s use this symbol to request information from the readers. In this case, the question is: Were these slaflips overprinted by the Berlin Druckercig by Julius Sawer in Danzig?

COMES DUKE DAY with a page of his own 1)eulsches Reich overpnnls. AllAH says editor, more ubiquitous illustrations of ubiquitous errors. never previously witnessed by human eyeballs. WRONG says The Duke. and don’t ever use that word again! GRANTED says ed. We’ll just print ‘em.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 103 - April - May - June - 1999, Page 21.

Hits: 2506

Added: 24/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
