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what is a KANZELHAUS?

This is a question that we have heard more than once. ‘[he word is often found as a caption under a photograph of a halI1imlwr house in l)aniig. IIL1I that oe teatLire dN.s not make it a real, live Kan,tlh;iiis. For instance, why is the millers’ work house on the west side of the (real Mill identified as one, while a similar half-timher house without the Iront steps and porch is not? The logical answer finally came from (illes ditlioulay. lvcn though k’anzelhau,c isn’t found in the (ierman-tnglish dictionaries that were checked. Aanzel was, and ii meanspulpit. The theory is that these houses have an exterior stairway and a nonh that resembles a n,ilniI I len’ is the hest-known example:


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 103 - April - May - June - 1999, Page 31.

Hits: 2342

Added: 24/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
