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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 100 » D - EXAMPLES OF GENUINE AND FORGED STAMPS


Mi. No. 33: Comparing a good print with a forgery Flame line passes thru; letters are generally too heavy; left side of a is a parallel line; legs of n are not parallel; top of n too thick; top of z is too low; exit tail of g is too long; bar is too solid. Similar overprint to Mi. No. 34, previous page. Bar is longer and narrower than standard.

Mi. No. 32: Another comparison D makes same mistake as above; bowl of a lines are gene rally too wide; space between legs of n is too narrow; bowl of z lacks height and shape; bott om of i is too heavy; top oval of g is tear-shaped inside; as with -ML No. 33 above, both of the forgeries place the a too close to the D.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 100 - July - August - September - 1998, Page 30.

Hits: 2407

Added: 22/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
