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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 100 » D - EXAMPLES OF GENUINE AND FORGED STAMPS


A split between the z and i appears to be caused by a misdirected cliche naiL Michel No 35 shows an attribute of an original Schragdrucke The begmning thin upstroke of (tie a is a tangent to the body of the a. if the upstroke butts against the body and is tan gental to it, and if the upstroke were prolonged upward and it would cut considerably into the bowl of the a, the overprint is forged. Attributed to Dr Dub.

Just when you think that you have it all figured out, you look at the 3 Pt Michel No.34, decide that it’s got to be fake, since it looks CTO, and the split bar gwes one pause. But turn it over (on piece), and find Schuler’s signum. The designation I on the back may have been made by Schuler to indicate Plate I, Field 43, in the chart on page 5. The chart states that there is a break between (tie a and n and thru the bar, in Field 43.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 100 - July - August - September - 1998, Page 33.

Hits: 2388

Added: 22/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
