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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 100 » Results: Danzig Report Auction No.2-DR98


Results: Danzig Report Auction No.2-DR98:

Lot No                                Realized:
5                                                   $4.25
6                                                   15.00
7                                                      3.00
12                                                   7.50
13                                                 13.00
15                                                 23.50
16                                                 30.00
17                                                    6.00
22                                                    6.00
24                                                    8.00
25                                                    6.00
26                                                    6.00
27                                                 30.00
30                                                 31.00
31                                                 85.00
40                                                    4.00
41                                                    2.25
42                                                 20.50
43                                                 20.50
44                                                 20.50
45                                                 20.00
46                                                 20.50

Thank you to all the bidders!

Also a big thanks to Erik Nagel who did all the work! His efforts are really appreciated.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 100 - July - August - September - 1998, Page 36.

Hits: 2308

Added: 22/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
