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NO. 146 1/2

Seen at Toronto - unissued 5,000 Mk air stamp which was destined to fit between the 3,000 Mk (No. 146) and the 10,000 Mk (No. 147). However, inflation increased so rapidly that it became obsolete be fore being issued. The photo plate was completed for printing, and these two examples are from the only existing sheets in black ink. The imperforated item (Fig. 1) is printed on thick chalky paper and is retouched in black ink to correct flaws for the final printing plate. Note the smear over the “0” at the upper left of the stamp. The perf orated proof (Fig. 2) is pasted onto a perforated board nearly 2 mm thick; how ever,, the board is the size and shape of two “Fa” sized air stamps with perforation 14, as shown in Fig. 3. This copy is also in black, and the original shows retouching with a fine brush.

Jim Bowman has sent a copy of a card that poses a couple of interesting questions for Zeppelin experts. In our Danzig Report No. 6, Page 4, the LZ - 127 oval cachet is described as being blue in color. (We checked the original Ruberg article


Danzig Report  Nr. 19 – May - June - July - 1978, Page 4.

Hits: 2654

Added: 06/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
