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Some time ago, Werner Bohne helped us on the question of a “Druckzufälligkeit”- a drop-out in printing rather than an error due to plate damage. Since the printing plate is inked before each impression, a drop-out of ink, of course, will occur only once in a blue moon. : However, a plate defect will continually reproduce the error until the end of the plate or until the end of the run, whichever comes first. The question for today, Friends and Experts, is: What category should we assign No. 69 X?

Since we have only the center 6 stamps of what is obviously the 9th and 10th rows, we can assume that the stamp in question is within #83 and #88, unless the end selvage has been removed, thus making it either #82 or #89.

The error in question is a missing tiny spire between 2 larger ones, probably one of those shown in the Marienkirche photo at the left. We don’t have full sheets of this series for study, but an interesting thing happens to the 25 Mk (#133 light blue): the tiny spire disappears completely: Every other details maintained. What do we have with this example of #69 X: Druckzuftlligkeit or unlisted error?


Danzig Report  Nr. 19 – May - June - July - 1978, Page 6.

Hits: 2370

Added: 06/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
