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Gallery » Danzig Report 35 - April, May, June 1982 » Danzig Polizei (Police) Regiment


officials present is Gauleiter Albert Forster

The photograph on this page shows Goebbels reviewing the Danzig Polizei (Police) Regiment. Note the crippled right foot of the spokesman for the creation of the perfect race. The long banner describes the wishes of the people to return to Germany’s control. Other propaganda parades and reviews attended by Forster have in cluded similar banners reading, “Danzig is a German city and wants to return to Germany”. Even in August, 1939, the Polish authorities threatened to take arms if their customs officials were intimidated by the Nazis. Hitler was the one who felt intimidated and called Forster on the carpet to insist that he do something about the Poles.
(Photos courtesy of R. Mundschenk)


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 35 - April - May - June - 1982, Page 2.

Hits: 2556

Added: 11/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
