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On the fortication crowned hills west of Danzig delightful promenades have now been laid out with avenues and gardens. From this ,.Griingiirtel”, Green Belt. the most fascinating views ni the City can he obtained, a sea of houses, silver ribbons marking out the watercourses, the wide flat plain, the broad dark-green belt of forests, and the sand dunes rising before the glittering sea.

Langiuhr, a Northern suburb of Danzig, seems imbedded in green, the glorious double avenue of Linden- trees leads to it and farther on to Oliva and Zoppot. In Oliva are the so-called ,.Royal Gardens” the ancient Cistercian Abbey now raised to be the Cathedral of the Danzig Diocese, and the Abbot’s Palace, which is to be fitted up as a National Museum for Danzig’s History, On the fringe oi the hills are a number of Patrician’s summer residences which they liad built outside the City gates, One of these belongcd to the ianiily Schopenhauer.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 48 - July - August - September - 1985, Page 37.

Hits: 2162

Added: 17/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
