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Odds and Ends

John Whiteside has sent a few items that will be of interest to our members:
a) The editor incorrectly stated that the cover on Page 5 of Report No. 49 was overfranked at 25 Pfg. Actually, the rate changed from 15 to 25 Pfg on 16 May 1935. The letter was sent on 21.12.37, properly franked.

b) The cover at the top of Page 6 contains a hand-roller cancel and is listed in the ARGE’s first Handbook on Page 13. It is a * 5 * 26 mm circLe with six wavy lines. John says that it isn’t a common cancel and that he has one cover, similar to Bill Ruh’s Drucksache item, and two pieces.

c) The cover on Page 7 has been readdressed to a “Wehrmeldeamt”, which John thinks is an army call-up office. It appears that Mr. Rossler had received his conscription papers!

Above is the “Danzig Bridge” of No. 4 1VIII which recently appeared in an ARGE auction. Michel value 7500 M and starting bid is 2400 M. It is a different strip from the one shown in Report No. 20.

The stamps on the cover at the left have a story to tell in the selvage. Very nice! Conratulations again, Karl!!! (The symbols and type are in a bright red.)

The photo of the Langemarkt is from National Geographic just before 1.9.39. “Danzig boasted this skyscraper when Manhattan was bought from the Indians. The City Hall’s slender spire with its chimes has towered... for 380 years.” The Artushof is a 15th—century and the Steffens Haus is a 17th— century structure. We hope to be standing on this very spot and making updated photographs in August. See you there!


Danzig Report  Nr. 50 - January - February - March - 1986, Page 7.

Hits: 2370

Added: 20/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
