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Three information booklets were published: No. 1 in November 1931, No. 2 in April 1932, and No. 3 in June 1932. The No. 1 edition was provided with a cover of the official Luposta symbol in blue and red, and, as shown on the opposite page, containe d propaganda and specific information in three languages. Note the optimistic tone of the statement: “...nevertheless, we shall overcome...”. Ronny van Waardhuizen sent copies of a few pages from the booklets, and we found that one of our commercial envelopes appears to have been used for the mailing of the promotion, which measure 144 x 230 mm. The waxy brown paper envelope is large enough (160 x 245 mm.), seems to have been mailed directly from the printer to Eastbourne, and has emblem and typeface printed in plum—colored ink. It was thru these mailings that interest in Luposta was increased internationally and that money was solicited for the philatelic prizes, for the Graf Zeppelin expenses, and so forth.


Most of you are familiar with Hans Georg Mencke’s excellent Luposta 1932 Danzig, and, thanks to an English translation by Ronny van Vaardhuizcn, and the cooperation of the author, the Danzig Study Group is pleased to announce the availability of this new publication. In a large 8’ x 11” format, the booklet contains over 50 pages of information, stamps, postal rates, covers and photos. Herr Mencke provided 35 mm original slides from which prints were made for reproduction in the booklet. A great amount of appreciation is due these two men who gave up so much time to produce this important study. An order blank is attached for your convenience. Thanks.

(Left): cover with official Luposta cancel from 25.7.32 on private stationery to She f field, England.

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 55 - April - May - June - 1987, Page 4.

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Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
