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Gallery » Danzig Report 55 - April, May, June 1987 » TRIPLE-WITCHING DAYS ON CANCELS


overprints are not too common. All of my Danzig stamps, except for the ones in the stock books are O.K., but many have lost their gum through moisture. But this doesn’t bother me; I collect stamps - not gum! I have many more stories of Danzig to contrib ute, but they will have to wait until later.

Thanks to John Gilroy and his friend (and our newest member) Louis Kawecki for his report on life in Danzig in the 1920’s. The Folio Print showing the Lange Gasse is indicated to these two Danzigophiles Extraordinaire!

by John Whiteside

While going thru t)oxes of covers at the hourse, try looking for cancels that contain all the same digits, such as the ones shown here. The cover has a Zoppot * b * cancel of 12.12.12, and the colored card (arms in gold with red center and lettering in black) is dated 11.11.11. The reverse side shows the cancelled stamp.

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 55 - April - May - June - 1987, Page 12.

Hits: 2250

Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
