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Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

Herman L. Halle 1913-1986

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve been asked to speak to you straight from the shoulder. I shall change that directive and start a little higer up.

Those of us who have been subjected to the humor of the Red Suspenders Ceremony have always suspected that the “Judge” studied Joe Miller’s Joke Book instead of the 1-larvard Law Review. harry 1-lalle’s daughter, Diana, reports that books on humor are mixed among his stamp albums; old jokes that will never see the light of day are jotted down with philatelic notes.

the statements made ore pure unsubstantiated conjecture on the part of the author and lack the element of fact.

This quote, in the November, 1986, Specialist, repr esented a broadside of torpedos lauched after the sub had sunk. And Steve Esrati, the target, won’t have a chance to launch a counter-attack —- it’s too late, Old Boy! As in most cases (but not all), Halle’s historical recollections of post—war German postal history was correct. His idea of justice was to pursue truth and accurdcy with a vengeance; as Tank McNamara pounces on a fumble.

Harry lIalle’s post—war interrogation of [less, Axis Sally, ilse Koch, Goering, von Ribbentrop and others was a result of his serving under the British War Office as head of American interrogation. For his efforts, he was awarded the MBE by Great Britain. After being transferred to Georgia, Major Herman L. HaRe joined the GPS (which was founded in 1949) as member #75 and wrote a colu mn for the Specialist called The Philatelic Stetho scope. His eruchitic insight into the German stamp business, forgeries and new discoveries was as sharp then as it was at the time of his death.

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 54 - January - February - March - 1987, Page 1.

Hits: 2609

Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
