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For all of you who are suffering from excessive cash as a result of the rapid run—up of the Dow Jones Industrials, we are presenting, as a puI)lic service, a place to be relieved. Look at the gems from Ilanseatisehe Briefmarkenauktionen OlIG of Hamburg and get fast, fast relief from money buildup. On the back cover of the catalog, in full color, is a quarter—sheet (25 stamps) of 60 Pfg. No. 47 with a starting bid of DM55000.— (Our catalog shows DP17500 each X 25 = DM87500!) As the German write-ui) says, it is a dream piece that hasn’t been seen since 1945.

While you’re in the mood, put in a bid for blocks of four of the complete set of Grosser Innendienst with a 1)00k val— tic of DM44000.—. Start the festivities with DM16000.— and enjoy the evening. Be a sport, guys.

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 54 - January - February - March - 1987, Page 3.

Hits: 2495

Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
