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Gallery » Danzig Report 54 - January, February, March 1987 » Mi. No. 165: The “Errant 4”


Mi. No. 165: The “Errant 4”

A by—product of Alfred Weisse’s inquiry is our discovery of an errant font of the numeral 4 in the margin above Field No. 2. Notice that it is a blocked Roman style with serifs instead of the Germanic text style that matches most of the overprints during the inflation era, and it is quite different from the 4 in the 140 row designation above the Field No. 7. Also, we have enlarged the 200 to show wear damage that has occurred. Check your sheets and margin copies to see if your wear pattern matches ours. For instance, the “errant 4” appears in Sheet #2 only, and is coupled with the damaged 200. On our Sheet #1, the fours are normal and the 200 is in good shape, meaning that the original 4 was damaged and replaced?

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 54 - January - February - March - 1987, Page 5.

Hits: 2564

Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
