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Gallery » Danzig Report 58 - January, February, March 1988 » Zweikreisstempel without year

> Zweikreisstempel without year

Between 1852-1854, dramatic changes were made: digit 7 is narrowed, the M changes from block letter to wider stance in the feet, and the N loses its blocky style. At the left are two examples of the latter: the top N is dated 21.5.52 and is 2.4 mm wide with two parallel legs, while the N in, the lower 27.10.54 cancel print varies from 2.0 to 2.2mm, due to the added perspective, making the letter narrower at the bottom. The N is also 3.5 mm high later on compared to the 3.0 mm in the earlier canceller. There also appears to be a shift to the ft of about 0.75 mm in the later model. The 7 also seems to move right and stays there constantly in the later prints. The word DANZIG is fanned 140° thru 1852, then becomes a bit wider (150° if you count the serifs). The angle between the D and the begin- fling of the Z starts at 80° and becomes 85° at the time of the other changes listed here. From 1854, consistency then appears to rule, and we can detect no new changes in the canceller. The G at the left is typical of all: it has no pointed line or serif at its lower right corner that is seen in other examples. The horizontal line (endstrich) is 2.1 mm.

Danzig Report  Nr. 58 - January - February - March - 1988, Page 10.

Hits: 2474

Added: 24/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
