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Gallery » Danzig Report 58 - January, February, March 1988 » Zweikreisstempel without year

> Zweikreisstempel without year

Cancel 18.2.40 begins with D—G at 140° and D—Z at 80°. On 23.12.41, the angles change to 140°/85°. By 30.12.51, the 8—9 line dréps slightly and the dash is now shorter, although the numerals hold width. The A and N letters widen in 18.3.54 and narrow again in the 13.9.54 cancel. (See illustrations at right.) The canc eller is dropped prior to 30.12.51, is replaced before 24.3.53, and is used in a pinch on three later dates. Interestingly, the line between day/month appears only in the dented circles. Note line under date in 25.5.55!
Two separate cancels on the document at the left. The carrier, Herr Franzler, testifies that he did not personally deliver to the addressee on the 7th but turned it over to someone else. It was first sent on the 6th at 8-9 AM and returned on the next morning at 7-8 AM.

Danzig Report  Nr. 58 - January - February - March - 1988, Page 14.

Hits: 2275

Added: 24/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
