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Gallery » Danzig Report 58 - January, February, March 1988 » Ten examples of the 11—12-hour grouping

> Zweikreisstempel without year

Ten examples of the 11—12-hour grouping:

The earliest of the group, with D—G at 150° and D—Z angle at 90°.

No changes visible in angles or type faces.

Completely different canceller; the D—G angle becomes 140° and the D—Z angle is now 80°. Height of the letters is exactly 3.0 mm (right):

The folded document at the left is from 1860 but does not follow a printed form. Three pages are handwritten notes, with the address on the fourth side. Postman Marklin has placed his stamp on the address side.

Danzig Report   Nr. 58 - January - February - March - 1988, Page 20.

Hits: 2179

Added: 24/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
